Experiencing or witnessing a traumatic incident may trigger Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a severe mental health disease. Typical manifestations include intense thoughts and recollections, bad dreams, heightened arousal, and avoidance behaviours. Cannabidiol (CBD) is an alternative therapeutic method gaining attention alongside more conventional treatments like counselling and medicine. This article briefly introduces the possible uses and drawbacks of cannabidiol (CBD) for PTSD.

What is CBD?

The Cannabis sativa plant contains several chemical components, including cannabidiol (CBD). Unlike its analogue, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not produce the psychoactive effects that marijuana is known for. From which CBD is commonly extracted, hemp plants have trace amounts of the psychoactive compound THC. Oils, tinctures, pills, consumables, and topical preparations are only some of the many delivery mechanisms for this compound.

What is PTSD?

After exposure to or experiencing a traumatic experience, it is possible to acquire Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Intrusive memories, nightmares, avoidant behaviours, and hyperarousal indicate this disorder. Feelings, ideas, and actions are just some of the areas that PTSD may influence. Combat exposure, physical attack, natural catastrophes, and accidents are only examples of traumatic occurrences that may occur alone or in a sequence. 

Certain risk factors, such as the magnitude of the trauma and personal sensitivity, might raise the probability of developing PTSD. However, it does not affect everyone who goes through a traumatic experience. Psychological approaches, such as CBT and EMDR, and pharmaceutical treatments, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are available to treat PTSD. 

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) may have positive effects when used with conventional medicine. Those suffering from PTSD must get expert support for a proper diagnosis and subsequent therapy. Individuals suffering from PTSD might discover symptom alleviation and boost their well-being with the help of professionals. The possibility of using CBD (cannabidiol) to treat PTSD has received much interest recently. While studies on CBD’s effects on PTSD are still in their infancy, preliminary results have shown promise. 

Here are some potential CBD benefits

  • Anxiety Reduction

Anxiety is a common symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and CBD has shown some promise in alleviating this condition. CBD communicates with the body’s endocannabinoid system to relieve tension and anxiety. Interacting with serotonin receptors, it may assist to moderate the brain’s reaction to anxiety and stress. Interacting in this way can potentially reduce PTSD symptoms like anxiety and apprehension.

  • Sleep Improvement

People with PTSD often have sleep disruptions, however, CBD has shown promise for addressing this issue. The effects of cannabidiol (CBD) on anxiety and the sleep-wake cycle have been widely described. CBD’s soothing and relaxing impact may aid those with PTSD in overcoming the nightmares and restlessness that often accompany the condition.

  • Fear Extinction

“fear extinction” refers to how people learn to inhibit physiological reactions to painful experiences. Preclinical research suggests that CBD may improve fear extinction, an essential process in resolving the recurring nightmares and heightened anxiety associated with post-traumatic stress disorder. CBD may aid those with PTSD daily by making it easier to overcome phobias.

  • Controlling Your Feelings 

Emotional control problems are common symptoms of PTSD, and they may contribute to increased reactivity and instability. CBD may influence brain processes involved in emotional regulation, which might help people with PTSD improve their ability to control their emotions and lessen the effect of painful memories.

Benefits to the Nervous System

CBD has been shown to have neuroprotective characteristics, which means it can potentially prevent and treat damage to brain cells brought on by things like stress and trauma. Long-term stress exposure may cause brain alterations, which is especially significant in the setting of post-traumatic stress disorder. Because of its neuroprotective properties, CBD may help boost brain health and lessen PTSD symptoms.

While preliminary research suggests that cannabidiol (CBD) may help treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), much more study is required to draw firm conclusions. Furthermore, CBD should not be used in isolation to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. It is most effective with other effective therapies based on scientific data. To identify the correct dose and make sure it corresponds with other treatments being administered, it is essential to contact a healthcare practitioner skilled in CBD usage.

Getting CBD products from reliable producers that follow all applicable standards is also essential. It is necessary to discuss the usage of CBD with a healthcare professional to avoid any possible harmful effects or drug interactions.

CBD interaction with other medicine

Cannabidiol, or CBD, may affect the liver enzymes in charge of drug metabolism, leading to potential drug interactions. This may decrease the effectiveness of certain drugs or raise the risk of adverse effects by changing how they are metabolised. When taking CBD with other medications to treat illnesses like PTSD, it is essential to recognise and consider these possible interactions.


Many people who suffer from PTSD are put on antidepressants like SSRIs or SNRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, respectively). Because CBD has the potential to disrupt the liver enzymes involved in metabolising certain antidepressants, it may have interactions with these drugs. 

Increased drug levels in the bloodstream raise the possibility of unpleasant side effects such as sleepiness, lightheadedness, and serotonin syndrome. If you are using antidepressants and are considering adding CBD, you should talk to your doctor first.


Individuals with PTSD may be administered benzodiazepines to alleviate anxiety symptoms temporarily. In some instances, CBD may intensify the sedative effects of benzodiazepines. Under medical supervision, you may be confident that your CBD and benzodiazepine doses are being closely monitored and adjusted as needed.


When other methods of treating PTSD have failed, antipsychotic drugs may be used. CBD may also influence the metabolism of antidepressants, resulting in possibly dangerously high blood levels. When using CBD in conjunction with antipsychotics, altering the dose and watching the patient closely may be essential.

Blood Thinners

CBD may interfere with the effectiveness of blood-thinning drugs like warfarin. CBD may reduce the efficiency of enzymes responsible for breaking down blood thinners, which might increase their concentration in the body and the risk of bleeding. You must consult a medical expert for proper monitoring if you want CBD with blood thinners.

CBD may have specific pharmacological interactions, but it’s essential to remember that not all will be harmful. CBD may boost the effectiveness of certain drugs while decreasing the energy of others or increasing their adverse effects. Expert medical personnel familiar with CBD usage can evaluate the risk of drug interactions and make necessary adjustments to patient dosing.

Dosages OF CBD

Individual body chemistry, the severity of the ailment being treated, and the type of CBD being taken all have a role in determining the proper dose of CBD, making it a potentially tricky process to navigate. There are currently no FDA-mandated dose standards for CBD products. 

  • Consider Body Weight

How much CBD you take may depend on how much weight you have. The typical beginning dose of CBD is 1–6 milligrammes per 10 pounds of body weight. A healthcare provider should be consulted for specific recommendations, however.

  • Product Concentration

The amount of CBD found in various CBD products varies. Take note of the labelled concentration and adjust your dose appropriately. If there are 1000 milligrammes of CBD in a 30-millilitre bottle of tincture, there would be around 33 milligrammes in each millilitre.

  • Individual Response

Tracking how your body responds to CBD is crucial since everyone’s body is different. If there are unwanted effects, it may be necessary to lower the dose.


More study is required to determine CBD’s efficacy, ideal doses, and long-term consequences as a therapy option for people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In addition to its possible neuroprotective properties, cannabidiol (CBD) may also help with anxiety, sleep, overcoming phobias, managing emotions, and more. However, it is essential to take caution when using CBD and to talk to a qualified medical expert before doing so, particularly when mixing CBD with other regularly used drugs for PTSD treatment.

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